>>> User Story Cards <<<
ملفات توضيحية لبداية عمل مشروع هندسة البرمجيات
Card - A written description of the user story for planning purposes and as a reminder, The heading section of the card should include the name/description of the user story, any reference numbers, estimated size, etc
Conversation - A section for capturing further information about the user story and details of any conversations. This can be a sketch or diagram of the feature, or notes about how it should function. Anything that helps to concisely explain the feature.
Confirmation - A section to convey what tests will be carried out to confirm the user story is complete and working as expected. Writing tests up-front helps to ensure the software is designed to pass. Writing tests up-front also helps to identify scenarios that users, developers and/oranalysts may not have thought of.
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تحميل الملف

hamad bashir
User Story Cards, شرح User Story Cards, ملفات توضيحية لبداية عمل مشروع هندسة البرمجيات, هندسة البرمجيات, كيفية عمل يوزر ستوري كارد,حمد بشير
اطرح اي سؤال خاص بالموضوع في التعليقات